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SEAN68's loves1022 of 52464 A Peak inside is a cave Manufactured by Apple ,,manufactured by Ireland ,U2.-But they both spy
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (3679 items)

    But first there’s the admission ,Not an admission of guilt
    I’m afraid to turn and look ,what’s coming up behind me ?
    If it’s the same coming from in front of me ,,as behind
    Am I at the end of the continuous circle ..
    2bits,4bits ,,,rabbits Ha-bits

    Ticket Stubs
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    1969 Woodstock: FULL Music and Art Fair 3 Day Ticket Aug 15-17 PSA 10 GEM MINT
    1969 Woodstock: FULL Music and Art ...
    Alex Rodriguez MLB Debut 1994 Boston Red Sox Mariners MLB Ticket STUB PSA AUTH
    Alex Rodriguez MLB Debut 1994 Bosto...
    May 6 1983 Reds at Mets FULL TICKET - Darryl Strawberry debut Tom Seaver WOW!
    May 6 1983 Reds at Mets FULL TICKET...
    1969 Woodstock: FULL Music and Art Fair 3 Day Ticket Aug 15-17 PSA 10 GEM MINT
    1969 Woodstock: FULL Music and Art ...
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    1. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 1 year ago
      Reminds me of smelt fishing 65 years ago on a Pier in South Boston. Harbor tour boat would say over the loud speaker Take a Cool and Enjoyable tour of Boston Harbor Adult's 50 cents Children under 12 25!!! Step right down and come aboard the boat will be leaving shortly!!! They only left when they had enough passengers!! Sometimes over a hour wait!! So you can see how I have an Earwig for 65 years!
      Thanks for the memories.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 1 year ago
      Yougottahavestuff- kooL Story,, what about 2-bits = (..25cents)
    3. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 1 year ago
      Thhaannks 4Four The Louvers
    4. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 1 year ago
      Back in the Day 2-bits would go a long way!! Nowadays it would take a Fin!!
    5. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 1 year ago
      Yougottahavestuff,,But if that fiverr were a Mickey Fin ,you wouldn’t get far
    6. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 1 year ago
      Your right and I paid a Sawbuck for that drink!! We called that drink Olde Factory Whistle!!
      One Blast and your Through for the Day!!
    7. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 1 year ago
      Yougottahavestuff,, that one Blast to end your day
      Would be a G-note from a trumpet
    8. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 1 year ago
      You beat my C-note by ten!! All I have left is a Half a Yard!! Wish I had a Brick!!
    9. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 1 year ago
      Yes in building ,Do you need those bricks ,if you use SawBucks
    10. yougottahavestuff yougottahavestuff, 1 year ago
      I've said my 2 Cents and so you've got your Nickels worth!! Great Post!!

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