Posted 1 year ago
(87 items)
The décor of the two vases shown, consisit out of irregularly pulled hairthin ruby red threadings over an opal pink cased iridized glass body. I own two vases exhibiting slightly different pink tones, both with F. Van Houten, Bonn, Loetz registry Com. 714, pewter mount. The tall, slightly more orange shaded vase (in the foto it looks more pronounced than in reality) is PN=714/1668 (1901/02) and the mount itself is stamped by the Van Houten 'crown mark' and a matching '1668' accordingly. The production number of the enormous, slightly more purple shaded vase is unknown, but the mount is stamped 1680 and I may deduce that the Loetz production number is PN=714/1680. I have a foto of another vase of the very same décor with a Van Houten mount stamped 1337, assuming PN=714/1337 accordingly. Possibly this pink/ruby décor was Van Houten owned or reserved. This décor appears on other vases in combination with bright silver-yellow bands and teardrops. Three years ago I presented a related opal pink/ruby décor in my CW-post 'A unusual Loetz Phenomen Gre 1398 Vase', too.
Now, generally speaking, each time when van Houten ordered a vase from Loetz, it must fitt exactly into their mount and consequently both companies used the same numbering scheeme for their products involved. This alows us today, to deduce the often missing Loetz production numbers PN's from the Van Houten stamp numbering, just as I did with my vase above. Possibly this method may be extended to other Loetz mount producing companies, e.g. like Argentor, too.
I especially like the floral mount, that accentuates the organic shape of the larger vase with its four indentations very much. This huge vase stands H=17.5 cm up to the top of the glass, the leafs extend about 2 cm higher, and the diameter is 28.0x20.5 cm. The taller, slender vase has H=25.0 cm and D=9.5x9.5 cm.
Fabulous !!! Congratulations !!!
So beautiful! I am glad to see the mount polished also!
Very interesting. Thanks for this post. I have 3 vases with this decor in my collection. I considered them to be Loetz, but several experts have disputed my attribution, saying that they are the production of the Ferdinand von Poschinger glassworks. However, I never left the possibility that it was Loetz.
Dear Ales,
of my taller, slender vase with shape PN=714/1668, I have other fotos showing versions in 'Russian green' Gre=1/473 and in 'Cobalt Papilon' , always with the same Van Houten mount stamp '1668'. So from the matching shapes, there remains no doubt of it's Loetz production and consequently of this décor, too. The assignment of some of your experts to Poschinger is obviously incorrect.
Marvelous, They look like they're made of silk chiffon. An india sari.....
Dear Kai, I will be making a listing change on my site. Thank you once again.
Wow! Kai, yet another spectacular addition! I love this piece - congratulations!
I would like to thank you all for your kind comments and loves
Beautiful vases Kai! It is very interesting that the Loetz PN was stamped on the mount.