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Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent glass vase - Peach Oil Spot

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BHIFOS's loves1362 of 4973Vintage iron plaque 1936STIG LINDBERG 1916-1982
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    Posted 1 year ago

    (948 items)

    Here is my latest arrival, found on eBay UK. It was a low price there, which translated to a moderate price here after figuring in the exchange rate, postage, & GST. So still a good deal for a rarely seen decor (well, it is in my opinion).
    This small, bottle shaped vase measures 12.5 cm high, 5 cm across the polished top rim, & 6.8 cm across the base. It is made from two layers of cased glass, the interior having a light orange or peach coloured fine spatter. The outer layer has a soft, slightly pinkish iridescent finish.
    The fourth photo shows it with another recent arrival, which shows a similar iridescent spatter.
    There are some subtle differences. The vase with indented sides shows a deeper shade of orange spatter, more like a tangerine, or burnt orange as earlier suggested by Bernard. It also has a far more intense & textured iridescence. It has a distinctly rough & raised texture. The bottle shaped vase is silky smooth in comparison.
    Anyway, this vase was sold as Kralik Peach Oil Spot, & certainly seems to match other examples seen online.
    Bohemian origin, circa 1900.

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