Posted 1 year ago
(389 items)
Two giants from the West Indies Islands.
I'm not sure why, but I loved turtles and tortoises since I was a kid.
A friend's parents had a large lot and we were allowed to create a habitat for the turtles that we collected. We would catch them in the early spring, then release in late summer to where we found them.
Even today, my love for turtles still exists. If I see a turtle on the roadside, I stop and escort it in the direction that they are going and release it on the other side of the road.
Here are two small models of land tortoises that I have.
The first photo shows both together and a scale to show the models size.
Thes second photo shows a model of a giant Galapos Land Tortoise.
The third photo shows a model of a giant Aldabran Land Tortoise.
Thankfully, these are now protected animals from harm by poachers..
They're outstanding hotairfan!! I've always been a big turtle fan and I'm particularly fond of sea turtles.
I visited the turtle Museum at Saint Augustine ,Oaxaca ,in Mexico
which is near Puerto Escondido,, it was a Sea turtle hunting port
before it was illegal ,,Turtles ,crocodiles and alligators so prehistoric
I have also escorted a number of turtles off the road through the years, the last being an easter box turtle.
kev123.... The last turtle that I last tried to help across the highway was a snapping turtle, he gave me so much hissing and snapping that I thought it was best for him to solve the problem of crossing on his own. I did wait alongside of the road until he made it to the pond on the other side.
Thank you all for your friendly comments
I come across turtles on my property occasionally; it’s always a treat to see them. I enjoyed your post!
adore turttles we have 4 in the backyard