Posted 1 year ago
(845 items)
Dairy Advertising Cap Pick Opener Part II
Recently I posted a dairy advertising pick opener that had advertising from the Consumers Dairy Company in Toledo Ohio. I was able to find a little information.
The East Toledo Historical Society was able to supply me with an old directory address for this company. And they also gave me a Google map link showing the building is still there.
I then found an inventory listing online showing that the University of Toledo had a dairy bottle and a folder containing information on the Consumers Dairy Company. I contacted them and they provided me with some scan images from the folder. The folder contained an advertising recipe book with a center information section on the company. Also inside was an advertising door hanger with a recipe.
So mystery solved.. the Consumers Dairy Company was a milk bottling and pasteurization plant.
Comparing the actual building with the illustration from the information pamphlet, you can still see several of the original features. The front door is arched, the big Awning is still there..the big doors used to be arched but are square now.
Here is the original post..
Here is the Google map street view in case you want to look at the building..,-83.55732,3a,75y,288.76h,90t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sx9uEnNrGosqeHzcZEt4cqg!2e0!!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu