Posted 1 year ago
(1 item)
It all started when I was 10 years old. I was walking through the antique store with my grandpa, as we did often, and there was a cabinet on the wall full of lures. Of all the lures I fell in love with the wotta frog but when I plucked it out I saw it said $70. At an age of ten years old, you look at a price tag of $70 and see it as completely unattainable. Since that day I wanted one. I could not get that frog out of my mind. That moment in time really sparked my interest in vintage lures and when I started researching (before I really knew what paw paw was) I came accross a picture of the paw paw hair mouse and like the wotta frog, thought to myself I have to have one. Before I knew it the top five lures I had on my wish list were Paw Paw... that’s when it clicked for me that Paw Paw Bait Co was a favorite of mine. It wasn’t until I was about thirteen though that I would actually acquire my first one. The same grandpa that sparked this interest by taking me to the antique store, wanted me to tag along to the local antique festival. Of course my eyes are only looking for lures. We walk by a sporting goods booth and I saw some old lures off in the distance so grandpa and I went to check them out. When we got closer, there it was, that same frog we saw in the antique store. I asked the gentleman what the price was. He quickly responded $60. Before I even had a chance to tell him I would have to pass as I did not have that much money, grandpa piped up in the back and said, “We will take it.” He knew how much I wanted one and it made him so happy to see my face light up when I had it in my hand. The passion/obsession with Paw Paw has not stopped from that point forward.
Welcome to CW. Great story. Can you tell us some history on this company or any interesting things you've learned?
Very nice lure collection
A nice memory.