Posted 12 months ago
(845 items)
1960s Air Force Pressure Altimeter Case
I was in the tool room and this was on the top shelf. I never paid much attention to it because I thought it had paint or chemicals in it. It was empty and had a small paint brush in it.
It's actually a case for a pressure altimeter. It has a Kelly Air Force base sticker on the front. There's yellow lettering that says, "Reusable Container Do Not Destroy". It's very hard to see because the glossy paint, but the whole back has stamped lettering..I manipulated the picture so you could see it a little better. The stamping has warnings like, fragile, handle with care, delicate instrument, etc. There are also a series of Air Force numbers..Contract Number AF33(600)23197 Stock Number 6025-1846 There is a model number AN5760-5 and Altimeter Pressure. Below it says Kollmans Instrument Corporation. There are several other numbers.
The Kollmans Instrument Corporation made altimeters for the Air Force under contract. I believe this dates to the early 1960s. Dad retired from the Air Force in 1972.
Tells you the altitude of a plane.
"The pressure altimeter operates on the principle that average atmospheric pressure decreases linearly with altitude. "
The base was located in San Antonio, Texas.
"Kelly AFB was recommended for closure by the U.S. Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure Commission in 1995. The base was officially closed July 13, 2001. Today the former Kelly AFB is one of 40 former installations managed by the Air Force Civil Engineer Center in San Antonio, Texas."
This is a link showing a similar pressure altimeter that would have been stored inside this container.
That's a pretty neat piece Dave!! I would've never guessed what this was.