Posted 1 year ago
(2109 items)
Hello I’ve just rediscovered this vintage cd , I’ve never listened to it and don’t know anything about it, I was looking at the date and think it’s from 1987 from what I can see, not sure if it’s rare
Steptoe1, YOu do realize that you can type in a release number at discogs, and get a fairly decent idea of how rare it is:
Thank-you KERAMIKOS,, I hope he comes to the realization
Yeah kera but if I did that I wouldn’t post the items and I post items not only to learn about them myself, I’m sure lots of people get to learn as well. It takes time and effort to make a post and if I was selfish I wouldn’t bother and if everyone acted like that the site would be crap. I post for fun and to learn. Most stuff nobody even says anything if they know or not, it’s like they don’t want anyone to know. Like Vynil it seems, if I go on discogs and start using that chances are I wouldn’t post as I wouldn’t need to and would be wasting my time.
I'm not sure whether I'm following your logic.
What I get from your comment is that you are indeed familiar with discogs dot com, but you don't research your own audio recordings using it, because if you did, then you wouldn't bother to post the results. Hmmm.
Well Kera if I knew what something is I most probably wouldn’t post it. I post things that I don’t know anything about, my records and cds and other things that I have from before collecting, I've never posted. If I start using discogs because of time spent I most probably wouldn’t come on here as much, like if I was going on eBay, I wouldn’t have time.
I like posting to learn about stuff. And when I first come on here there was a few geniuses on here that knew everything, unfortunately not seen them for years, the time it takes to post is quicker than doing loads of research and if someone knows then I get to learn & others do too. Your brilliant at helping with information and one of the main reasons I keep posting or I would have been gone long time ago.
I was on discogs last night searching through list’s and never came on this site for example