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Bob Dylan desire released 1976 (Rubin Hurricane Carter) middleweight boxer

BHIFOS's loves1080 of 4973Canadian made No. 36 grenade. Body marked FW for Frost & Wood of Smith Falls, Ontario.Lötz: Bowl in Diaspora decor, around 1902
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    Posted 11 months ago

    (3677 items)

    Includes song “hurricane “ proceeds to go for the legal fees to
    release Ruben Carter’s incarceration
    from a homicide ,,,
    A retrial in 1976 upheld the conviction
    He was released in 1985
    too late to be world champion
    But bob Championed his cause


    1. jscott0363 jscott0363, 11 months ago
      Great album!! Bob Dylan was here in Kentucky this past weekend for a 2 night show in Louisville.

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