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Japanese Arita porcelain tea set

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (1207 items)

    This porcelain tea set consists of a teapot and five covered cups. It is marked on the bottom of each cup and under the lid of the teapot. The mark appears to be a kiln mark but no artist mark. It is all hand decorated. I forgot to take measurements. The pot is smallish to support five cups.

    This is fairly thick porcelain but I can still see the shadows of my fingers through it when held to a bright light. It is a pretty well done set, though the handle is wire, bamboo and wrapped in plastic tubing. I prefer solid bamboo handles.

    I have had this set in a box in my closet for about a year. Before that it sat in the same box in my car on the floor behind the passenger front seat for several months. I found the set for $5.34, including tax, at a genuine junk shop in a tiny village about 40 miles from my home. This shop is one story with numerous connected rooms, packed with junk and/or cool stuff. I found a few examples of Japanese pottery there, including two complete tea sets. I recognized the kiln mark on the other set, so picked this one as a research opportunity. I bet that other set is still sitting in the exact same place a year or more later.

    This set is very similar to several Arita tea sets that I had seen and, with that clue, I was eventually able to find a signed, boxed set with a very similar decoration, probably by the same Arita artist who signed that set "Kyo". These sets sell for several hundred dollars in Japan. Still trying to determine which kiln this set was made by.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 11 months ago
      Gorgeous tea set, the pastel floral design is subtly beautiful
    2. jscott0363 jscott0363, 11 months ago
      This a pretty spectacular tea set! Absolutely beautiful!
    3. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      Thanks for your comments, Jenni!

      Thanks for your comments, jscott0363!

      Thanks for loving my tea set, Drake47, sherrilou, vcal, Leelani, Reise, kivatinitz, BHIFOS, mikelv85, fortapache, jscott0363, kev123, Kevin, DejaVu2, Jenni, Vynil33rpm and dav2no1!
    4. racer4four racer4four, 11 months ago
      Best wishes for a happy easter Kevin!
    5. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      Thanks Karen! I think she is pretty happy!

      Thanks for checking out my tea set, SEAN68!
    6. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      Thanks, Faith.k!
    7. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      Thanks for stopping by, oldtimer49!
    8. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      Thank you, vintagelamp!
    9. kwqd kwqd, 10 months ago
      Thank you, kivatinitz!

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