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Jackie Cooper+Orchestra in 1958 signature vinyl

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    Posted 11 months ago

    (3677 items)

    Jackie Cooper one of the little rascals ,that made it to the next level
    Even the guy with the cockatoo Beretta was a rascal
    I wonder why Clark Kent didn’t smoke Kent cigarettes


    1. kwqd kwqd, 11 months ago
      He lived a long life for a smoker:

      That being said, my great grandfather drank a fifth of whiskey and smoked several cigars a day and lived to be 95. He got into a bar fight when he was in his 90s. Of course he used a cane, not his fists.
    2. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 11 months ago
      Kwqd ,,,Funny how life is ,some people can get struck ,by lightning ,seven times and nothing happens ,and some people get struck by lightning just the one time and they die :)
    3. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 months ago
      very very cool , and i was going to sat do they even make KENT CIGS any more?

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