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Chinese embroidery similar to a rank badge (Buzi)

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Solved mystery items50 of 11855Elegant Glass Green Etched Vase . Pattern ?CHEEZZ - nice to meet you in my Wunderkammer, digging to the roots of Coca Cola. google : spiritschweppes.
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    Posted 11 months ago

    (24 items)

    I haven't been able to find out the meaning or time period of these matching badges and was wondering if anyone knew? These are 10.5" by 12.5" each (including border detail).

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    1. apostata apostata, 11 months ago
      mnemonics waki
    2. apostata apostata, 11 months ago
      the chinese representation of the Ashtamangala the eight buddhist symbols

      flaming wheel= delusion crusher = wheel of life
      twin fish conjugal felicity
      endless knot , probably used in the longevity meaning
      and a vase not used in the daiost meaning of the Lan CAihe , because we are in the symbols and not in the emblems

      IMO opinion we are in the or not any the BUZI or any type of HYUNGBAE
      the shape is off , BUZI are stand-alone symbolisme,like cranes and shihi etc

      the swastika aint a swastika it is actually the reprsentatation of infinite ( 10000)and sometimes additional conjunction bliss

      it is not used for stylising purposes other you got the repetioton

      the strange thing is IMO it is not a wedding design or wedding wall hanging
      because it is highly unlikely to conjungate among different type of species

      what the hell is the purpose of a deer here??, we are not in a rural or an Yongzheng styling steal

      application is rather strange , we are not in an so called Beijjing interwaving .it is almost pastel

      the lack of couch gilt and the probably black satin border and the presence and the presence of buddhist symbols IMO shuts out the republic period

      Well i don,t know precisely, and even Bonhams , left it undefined some type so who am i , as a rooky

      so i stick to an ABSOLUTE GUESS, late 19 century, superb tonality, good stuff with to me a very confusing , social antroposohical meaning ,sort of feel good scene ?
    3. apostata apostata, 11 months ago
      correction BONhams did not define ( and date this type of simular ware) probably the spread is too wide
    4. suttonj5 suttonj5, 11 months ago
      Thank you Apostata, that is very informative. I appreciate you taking the time to respond. Cheers, and have a wonderful day, Jeff
    5. suttonj5 suttonj5, 3 months ago
      If anyone is interested, I was told that these are the front embroidery panels associated with certain skirts of the Qing Dynasty. Still not sure about the meanings besides the information Apostata was able to provide but at least I know what it is. Cheers

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