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Canadian Vase

BHIFOS's loves992 of 4973Large Cast Iron Emperor PenguinAntique Glass Vase
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    Posted 11 months ago

    (2088 items)

    Hello I’ve just rediscovered this lovely vase marked on the bottom but not sure how old it is. Not sure if these are rare but it’s the only one I found.


    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 11 months ago
      Blue Mountain Pottery, was quite popular here in NZ, used to get good money but the market has slipped a bit, probably the high prices made a lot more people sell and then everyone reaslised how much there was around.
      Her indoors has a dozen or so pieces.
    2. Steptoe1 Steptoe1, 11 months ago
      Thanks Bhifos for the info, it’s the only one I think I found in Kent which is where I was living when I got it. It’s very well made and quality, you can see & feel that straight away

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