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Pagoda China Cream & Sugar

kwqd's loves1764 of 20256Vintage D & E BroochPER LUTKEN - DENMARK
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    Posted 10 months ago

    (3 items)

    These were given to me by my grandmother, many years ago. Does anyone know anything about them and the Pagoda China mark? Dates? Made in Japan? Hand-painted? Thank you in advance.

    Unsolved Mystery

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    1. apostata apostata, 10 months ago
      A repetitive ornamental pattern of lines winding in S-forms, connected opposed or separate. Originally derived from pictograph's of the Shang dynasty, representing clouds and rolling thunder, hence called the cloud and thunder pattern (yunwen and leiwen).

      gold Shou medallion longevity symbol.left upperphoto

      Between 1921 and 1941, pieces destined for the US export market were required to be marked ‘Japan’ or ‘Made in Japan’. Pre-1926 pieces will feature a hand-painted mark with later pieces bearing marks made by stencil.

      the majoraty of the pieces were made between 1932-1951 i believe ,
    2. apostata apostata, 10 months ago
      can,t cope with the lack of consinstency because it looks like an contradictio in termis , the made in japan is out and theoraticcaly we are commated to the follow up of the TARIFF ACT, this is all i got in the sampling

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