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Home made conference table

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    Posted 10 months ago

    (30 items)

    Last summer, another carpenter, and I, were told we were needed at another job site, but no other details were given. Upon arrival, we were told we would be building a custom conference table, in the form of the American Flag. We had three sheets of cabinet grade white plywood, and one sheet of 1/4” finish overlay plywood. The first thing the foreman did, was ask me what I’d do. We hashed several ideas, during which he asked if I could cut stars, to which I replied that I could, but it would bankrupt the company. He ordered laser cut stars, and the table was laid out with the exact measurements to fit. Walnut stain, sealant (to prevent the stain bleeding) and tabletop epoxy (my first time using it, in an application , such as this), and, voila! Approximately 12 actual working days later, this was the result.

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    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 10 months ago
      Very cool! I'd chop the legs off and mount it on my wall! Cool table though..
    2. RVolskay RVolskay, 10 months ago
      I’d have probably made it smaller, but I was just the lead carpenter/idea man, on this one, so they got what they wanted. Thought the results were pretty good.

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