Posted 10 months ago
(46 items)
I read that the two dollar bill Series 1976 has hidden images that spell out USA in Morse Code. I don't what those images are but I find most curious are the mosquito looking thing and the devil-wolf blowing smoke. Also one man has such dark skin that he appears to be African American. Do you see what I see?
The back is based on John Trumbull’s painting entitled Declaration of Independence (1817). The images you mention don't look like that in the painting. I suspect those happened in the mint process..
Sorry that link was not the right one..
Thanks Dav, thank God I'm over my brief infatuation with that two dollar bill. It does bring back a sweet memory of childhood. I think I was about 6 yrs old when we took a family vacation to visit my nana in Massachusetts. My Uncle Jack handed me and my brother a two dollar and told us to share it. We through such fits that he took the bill , ripped it in half and then he gave us each a half. Funny thing is that We were pleased with that. Just seemed more fair.
Great memories! I have a couple really old ones, but they aren't in great shape and not worth much. Fun to look at though..
What you highlighted in the first picture are the printing plate numbers