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My best find in years,,,, MARCONI 117

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    Posted 9 months ago

    (95 items)

    This is one of the best finds I have run across. It is a Marconi model 117 in mint condition,except for the small tear in the grill cloth,
    which I have a seamstress working on. There are no suppliers for the original grill cloth.
    This is the third one of these I have owned, but I will be keeping this one .It was made in 1938 and has nine tubes including an eye tube,
    with six bands. The dial is really nice when lit up, and each band has it's own light when you are on that band.
    The finish on the cabinet is like new.
    The previous owner had changed the capacitors and I have to get in there and fix the globs of solder and straighten out a few things.
    The radio does work so that is a plus.
    ENJOY Dan

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