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Harrach Seaweed pattern pink & silver mica art glass vase

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BHIFOS's loves798 of 4973Antoinette for Anthony Creations brooch Lötz: 1904, Ophir PN II 1613, shape: Leopold Bauer.
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    Posted 9 months ago

    (948 items)

    This was a super find at the bi - monthly antiques fair, a lovely example of Harrach's Seaweed pattern.
    The vase is made from three layers of cased glass, clear over deep pink & silver mica, with an opaline white interior.
    It measures 15.5 cm tall, 5 cm across the cupped top rim, & 5 cm across the base.
    I really like the shape of this, the four lobed base is nicely balanced by the cupped top.
    I'd love to know how they managed to get the mica inclusions to form the seaweed pattern...
    Bohemian origin, late 19th century.

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    1. kivatinitz kivatinitz, 8 months ago
      so beautiful and great pictures to catch the different way that it glows
    2. IronLace IronLace, 8 months ago
      Many thanks, kivatinitz!

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