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Goodbye Donald -M.A.S.H. 1970 original Motion picture soundtrack

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (3677 items)

    Mash 1970 Columbia records vinyl 33 starring Donald Sutherland
    Even to the hunger games, invasion of the body snatchers ,Kelly’s heroes
    klute One final toot on the horn and it’s goodbye maybe tomorrow
    But if we stand in line one by one filled withed all our sorrows
    Yesterday + Today won’t be here but I will ,then Not, Again I will


    1. dav2no1 dav2no1, 8 months ago
      Great actor..Forsaken, Beerfest(lol)..just recently watched American Hangman...
    2. kwqd kwqd, 8 months ago
      When I heard, I reflexively yelled, "NO!". He did some great bare knuckle boxing in "The Eagle Has Landed".

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