Posted 9 months ago
(195 items)
Hi,I just purchased a antique Gothic Steeple Clock By New Haven (I will ad More pictures soon with in a few days found at my local flea market cheap ($15) it came with the pendulum but no key the case is pine with mahogany veneer which has some damage which is to be expected with age I believe this to be one of the earliest models as it has cone shaped finials I’m not sure if the clock is 1 day or 8 day I was able to wind up the clock when I got home as I have many clock keys but unfortunately I can only get it to chime but only runs for about 2 minutes then stops I placed it in different location and tried my best to have it Level when I was testing it please leave a comment below if you have /would like to help me out with any information you may have about this clock,thanks
Neat looking clock. Does it have a pendulum?