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Cross with American flag antique

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    Posted 8 months ago

    (247 items)

    Won at auction shipped in and antique frame with 1925 newspapers behind the frame I’m not sure who the other flag belongs to looks to be knitted and done with hand please advise thanks my friend

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    1. keramikos, 8 months ago
      Hey, crazydanmusic. :-)

      Dunno about those four silver-colored tacks; however, the flag of Shetland has a white cross on a blue background:

      Interestingly, I found a couple of 'cousins,' one of which is attributed to Greek immigrants in the USA:

      Just for reference, here is the modern Greek flag:

      On the two 'cousins,' I can see signs of satin stitching, so they're embroidered.

      Perhaps it's the resolution of the picture in your post; however, I don't see any signs of satin stitching on yours (neither do I see anything that looks knitted). It looks to me like fabric that's been quilted.
    2. crazydanmusic crazydanmusic, 8 months ago
      Can you tell if it’s part of a collection
    3. crazydanmusic crazydanmusic, 8 months ago
      Can you tell me if’s it worth anything thanks my friend
    4. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 8 months ago
      Thanks KERAMIKOS great information as usual
      Mr. Music,, one tune man to another
      No prices allowed,,Sorry wrong number
      EveryThing is worth Anything
      Yours truly,,mr. Toon
    5. keramikos, 8 months ago

      "Can you tell if it’s part of a collection"

      I doubt it. It's probably just a sample of a popular style of Greek handiwork.

      "Can you tell me if’s it worth anything thanks my friend"

      You stated that you won it in an auction, so presumably you paid something for it, and that's what it was worth to you.

      I generally stay out of the minefield that is appraisal (for one thing, Collectors Weekly owner Barnebys offers a fee-paid appraisal service).

      Your best bet is to use Google Lens to find similar pieces for sale, and take note of the ones that have actually sold as a guide.

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