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Loetz Ausführung 83, Imperial Red with Leaf Green, st PN II 7058, ca. 1910

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Bohemian Art Glass1 of 6681Bohemia Cut Glass VaseLötz: drinking vessel "Candia Silberiris" probably for Dr. Sprung, 1911
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    Posted 8 months ago

    (649 items)

    This Loetz decor, with densely packed copper-colored aventurine dust inclusions, is often mistaken for Murano glass. Ausf. 83 comes in three basic grounds, Deep Red, Blue, and Imperial Red, sometimes with an enameled layer (in the case of lamp shades). This version in imperial red has a thin outer layer of leaf green, which gives it a brownish cast.

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    1. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 8 months ago
      I'm glad you found it!
    2. kairomalte, 7 months ago
      Warren, a very interesting combination of colours

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