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1200+ Vintage 1970’s 1980’s Vinyl Albums Rock 1500 CDs Cassettes

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Rock Records1 of 217Limited Edition Rolling Stones Record 1969JOE WALSH
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    Posted 6 months ago

    (94 items)

    After having these albums boxed up since the 1990’s I’m finally going through these..Each box has 100 to 120 albums that are all rock hard rock and contemporary artist of the 1970’s and 1980’s.My brother who was in the music industry for years and my wife and I put this collection together.I opened up 1 box lettered G through K that had 118 albums that included the original Micheal Jackson Thriller along with some rare albums by Janis Joplin,Jimi Hendrix,The Kinks and George Harrison..There’s also several albums by Heart,Genesis,J Geils,Elton John,Dr Hook and Billy Joel.We tried to buy the matching cd’s and cassettes that correspond with the albums of which there’s over 1500.The vintage 2 side carrying cases are pretty neat.Thanks for looking.

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    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 6 months ago
      What a Stash !!
    2. Newfld Newfld, 6 months ago
      Incredible collection! Many super artists you have great musical taste. Cool layout too, like those carrying cases
    3. Lata Lata, 6 months ago
      Vinyl Heaven !!
    4. DejaVu2 DejaVu2, 6 months ago
      Wow! What a massive collection you have there. Look forward to seeing more!
    5. keramikos, 6 months ago
      I am all admiration. <3

      It sounds like you not only have a very sizable collection, but you have it organized, (and possibly documented as well).

      My own collection is much smaller; however, right now I'm actually grateful for that, because I'm ripping all of the tracks so that I can listen to them in my vehicle. >8-0
    6. jbingham95 jbingham95, 6 months ago
      Thanks to Phil,Jenni,Lata, DejaVu2 and keramikos for the love and nice compliments.Thanks also to whenisraelbelieves,vetraio50,kwqd,fortapache,vcal,Leelani,Merrill33,GianiMZ,Reise,Bronmar,dav2no1 and rgrebov for the love.I appreciate all of you.

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