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Late Victorian/Art Nouveau Bohemian blue opalescent glass vase with zig zag crimp

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    Posted 6 months ago

    (948 items)

    Here is a neat little vase I won on eBay AU last week.
    It is made from pale blue clear glass that shades to opalescence & deeper blue at the top. There is a fine optic lattice pattern as well.
    It measures around 15 cm tall, 10.5 cm across the widest point of the top rim, & 4,5 cm across the base.
    The top is what really grabbed my attention - that kind of dramatic zig zag crimp is rather uncommon. I know, because I have hundreds of things with crimped tops of various kinds & this is only one of two others comparable. One is a bowl by Rindskopf in the Pepita decor with an overshot texture.
    There is a rough pontil mark on the base, with a touch of opalescent white from the heat reaction.
    Quality overall is excellent & the vase is in perfect condition.
    My guess is late Victorian transitioning to Art Nouveau, possibly Bohemian origin...& I'm hoping by Rindskopf, just because I love their work!
    As a side note, I had to display this with some of the many blue toned flowers currently on show in my garden. We have had an early Spring here, so everything is "galloping" due to the heat. It is warm, (in the daytime at least) windy, & very dry. Making me nervous about bushfires this Summer...

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    1. BHIFOS BHIFOS, 5 months ago
      Your garden seems to be in full spring mode!!!
    2. IronLace IronLace, 5 months ago
      Many thanks, Bernard! Yes we are somewhat ahead of schedule for many of our flowers. Our town has a big garden festival due in two weeks time but most of the typical plants on show during that event are already well in action. Will be interesting to see how it pans out as I'm planning which gardens to visit...

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