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My First Class Room in the Queen Mary

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    Posted 5 months ago

    (3474 items)

    As a part of the special deal I got a first class room. This was A107 which puts it 4 rooms from the center of the ship on the starboard side which has a harbor view. The even numbered rooms look over the parking lot although at this time they were setting up their Halloween faire there, hunted house stuff and rides.
    The room is a deluxe king, the room seems larger than a typical hotel room. One would live in the room 4-5 days which is how long it would take to cross the Atlantic.
    Note the 1930s fan, looks a lot like one I have.
    Last I found out about the 4 faucet feature. Two are for salt water and two are for fresh. Fresh water had to be carried but they had infinite salt water. They told passengers salt water would be like a mineral spa.

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    1. Newfld Newfld, 5 months ago
      Awesome room & wonderful history, so cool about the four faucets
    2. fortapache fortapache, 5 months ago
      Thank you very much Newfld!

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