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Worlds Fair 1893 lighter

Malatero2's loves9 of 93Mystery signed letterIs this an Amphora? Is it round on the bottom to keep it off the ground?
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    Posted 5 months ago

    (3 items)

    Interesed in any info about this lighter. Etched Worlds Fair 1893. Very cool and rare hard to find others like it.


    1. Vynil33rpm Vynil33rpm, 5 months ago
      You’re right it’s very cool how does it work I don’t see a striking wheel when you open it lights ,,, anything on the bottom does it pull a part for fuel filling
    2. dav2no1 dav2no1, 5 months ago
      Interesting.. Not sure these types of lighters even existed at that date?
    3. Malatero2 Malatero2, 5 months ago
      I could be a display item as an innovation or something bought as a souvenir later. As Dav2no1 shows the lighter innovation in 1893 did not look like yours. Look into earliest lighter revisions or the Exhibition collection. This was the innovation in January
    4. drew72, 5 months ago
      The lighter is a preflint lighter
      It worked when you open lid there like a hammer type lever that strikes cap tape, like in cap guns. Theres a little holder of small like shavings that are soaked in some type of fuel, when it hits the cap and sparks it creates a slow burn that turns to a flame. Will show pic of insides. Did alot of digging to find one similar, dates back to 1850.

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