Posted 4 months ago
(3472 items)
This is one of the original Marx Dinosaurs from the Large Mold Group PL-749. It was this, Brontosaurus and Kronosaurus. The figure is based on a famous and highly inaccurate painting. The figure is a good likeness of the painting so put the blame on the painting. It looks like one of the early dinosaur recreations from around 1900. Back in those days every dinosaur had the ridges along the spine. That is the least of the problems.
The sleek Tyrannosaurus seen in photo #4 was introduced in 1961. I think is fairly accurate. You can cut them some slack as far as the tail dragging. The figure did need it to stand.
PS I believe silver is a less common color.
T Rex looks better for losing a little weight by 1960s. Good for him.
Thank you very much elanski. He was on the caveman diet.