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21st Century Toys Ultimate Soldier Grumman F6F Hellcat 1/18 Scale

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BHIFOS's loves382 of 4973Welz Basket  All things must pass ,,Nov.1970 ,3record Set
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    Posted 3 months ago

    (3474 items)

    Another very large scale model airplane although not a kit. It comes preassembled. Normally these sets come with the wings off but the real thing had folding wings so the model also has folding wings and luckily they fold down to the side for packaging sakes. The folding wings are one my favorite features of this set. I saw its Grumman TBM conterpart unfiold its wings at an airshow last month. It does it in about 2 seconds. Anyway all kinds of nice detail on this. I think I will need a second post as I have no photo of the underside. That may be a day or three.

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