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Unknown Loetz decor from the Art Deco period

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    Posted 3 months ago

    (37 items)

    I would like to present an interesting vase, which corresponds in shape to the Lötz vases with silver iris from around 1924. The base is ochre yellow, the squares are intense blue and each square contains an air bubble. The pontil is neatly polished. Size: 18 cm (7 in) high and 19 cm in diameter.
    While the preserved paper patterns by Lötz from the period before 1900 (Series I) and Series II up to 1914 have been published almost in their entirety, the published patters of Series III after 1914 are quite incomplete. Once these patterns have been fully documented, we can expect to discover a number of previously unknown Lötz decors and shapes from this late period. This vase with its complex decor and the everted rim is an example of the surprises awaiting us and of the fact that Lötz was still making very high-quality products in the 1920s.
    Image 1: Vase from around 1924 with optical square pattern.
    Image 2: The view from above illustrates the complexity of the decor
    Image 3: Detailed views
    Image 4: Shape related vases in silver iris decoration in the exhibition at the Klatovy Glass Pavilion (PASK)

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    1. Loetzforever Loetzforever, 3 months ago
      This is a very beautiful and interesting piece. I have never seen such a vase before. Congratulations!
    2. Sammyz Sammyz, 3 months ago
      Wonderful technique!

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