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1909 Christmas,,29years before Benny GoodMan 1938 Carnegie Hall

vinetia's loves216 of 682Cococinel: Levallois the bee figureI got a case of cokes Can you tell how to get to Sezme Streets
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    Posted 3 months ago

    (3679 items)

    Think of all the people that have been born and died since this 1909 postcard was written
    Not like my card with the two kittens nothing you have to handle with mittens


    1. PhilDMorris PhilDMorris, 3 months ago
      Love the card, it shows so much happiness and yearning for the peace and happiness this holiday season !~
    2. Takeyourtime Takeyourtime, 3 months ago
      Hey if have old tin types let me know. My email address is

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