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Schleich Triceratops Figure New

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    Posted 2 months ago

    (3474 items)

    A large and well sculpted figure this Triceratops is over 8" long. It has just the right amount of color with just of touch of red along the back. While no one knows what the actual colors were large animals tend not to be colorful. Some figures have color schemes brighter than a parrot, hummingbird and butterfly combined.
    I also like the stance on this one with the upright front legs as opposed to the more lizard like pose.. Dinosaurs were originally bipedal including the first ceratopsian (the horned dinosaurs). So some think the front legs are more arm-like. But something as large as Triceratops seems like it would need the legs directly underneath. Plus there is a large armored and armed head to move about.
    An exciting bunch of prehistoric mammals is on its way here so more prehistoric action to come.

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    1. elanski elanski, 2 months ago
      Oh he is a good one.

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