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Antique Slag Glass - Maker?

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    Posted 1 month ago

    (2 items)

    I acquired this beautiful "bucket list" Antique Slag Glass Table Lamp from an estate sale. I did get to briefly speak with the owner. But, all she relayed was it had been passed down in her family and very old. I was hoping for any thoughts or more specific information?
    -I believe it's from the 1915/1920's? I'm leaning closer towards 1915. Any tboughts?
    -There are no markings. A possibility I have leaned towards is Bradley and Hubbard. Other thoughts shared have been Miller, Bradley and Hubbard and Royal Art Glass. A similar one on here (similar shade characteristics and same base) had a comment that said "Table lamp is early Bradley and Hubbard or Miller.
    Any thoughts?

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