Posted 1 month ago
(7 items)
I'm finally sharing something other than a 495 Hubley. Well it's still a Hubley, but it's a step toward withdrawal.
This is the #1890 Hubley U.S. Army Carryall, according to the catalog, the box says it's a U.S. Army Truck. No matter the name, it was cataloged in '64 only. It's the standard Hubley 800 series pick. Paint it Olive Drab, put on some decals, leave the white paint off the whitewalls and put a canvas top on the bed; instant Army truck......Carryall?
You might say; "I'll, bet that canvas top could be missing a lot?". My response would be;" That's a major understatement!" I'd NEVER seen one before getting this. I've seen the catalog picture, but never one pictured for sale, to share, etc. There's a site where a guy has a mint truck in the top. I'd appreciate it that if you find a picture of one with the top, please let me know.
Great Hubley U.S. Army truck!!