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North State Telephone Company Pin

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Recent Activity1 of 1034Cumberland Telephone & Telegraph Co. Porcelain Flange SignBell Telephone Manufacturing Co. Glass Bell Paperweight
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (109 items)


    Out of High Point, North Carolina - a beautiful North State Telephone pin. Way before my time, North Carolina was known as "The Old North State" - later, known as, "The Tarheel State." I found two of these pins in 2010.

    This design of the rotary dial was found all over North Carolina. Believe it or not, I think this telephone company is still in business in 2025. As for the design, I also have a Lexington Telephone and a Western Carolina Telephone, all the same rotary dial design.

    As I lived in North Carolina for 20 years, I am on the lookout for other telephone pins from this beautiful state. Please let me know if anyone out there has the following: Piedmont Telephone, Sandhills Telephone, Chapel Hill Telephones, and Concord Telephone. I almost got a Tidewater Telephone in 2015, but it was the big one that got away!

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    1. earthandmagneto earthandmagneto, 29 days ago
      Thank you for all of the loves!

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