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Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent green glass vase with brass collar - Kralik Honeycomb Panel

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EZa's loves2 of 3467KEITH ROWE TRIO OF PEARL SERIES VASES - c. 1995. Limited Production. Bohemian Art Nouveau iridescent glass vase with metal collar
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    Posted 1 month ago

    (953 items)

    Here is a fabulous piece of Art Nouveau glass won on eBay AU! May I add that it was packed perfectly as well.
    This is a solid, heavy vase in the Honeycomb Panel decor. It is made from a single thick layer of olive green glass with an intense iridescent finish. Measuring 22 cm tall, 6 cm across the top rim, & 6.5 cm across the base, it features an elegant brass collar.
    In perfect condition.
    Bohemian origin circa 1900.

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    1. Deano Deano, 1 month ago
      Another spectacular piece! I love the Carnival finish. That it still has the collar is noteworthy. Very nice.
    2. IronLace IronLace, 1 month ago
      Many thanks, Deano, much appreciated!

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