Posted 29 days ago
(1 item)
Inherited a bunch of coins from my grandparents.And great ant and uncle collection. I am a novice coin collector no and no nothing about these foreign coins.I had found in the collection.
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.Educate me please.
1 Cash - Daoguang Tongbao; Boo-yuwan
1 Cash - Daoguang (Tongbao; Boo-yuwan) - anverso1 Cash - Daoguang (Tongbao; Boo-yuwan) - reverso
© mikimaus (CC BY-NC-SA)
Emissor Império da China
Imperador Dinastia Qing › Daoguang (???) (1820-1850)
Tipo Moedas circulantes comuns
Anos 1821-1850
Valor 1 Cash
Moeda Cash (621-1912)
Composição Latão
Peso 3,80 g
Diâmetro 24 mm
Espessura 1,4 mm
Formato Ondulado com um furo quadrado
Técnica Fundido
Orientação Alinhamento medalha ??
Demonetizada Sim
Número N#12421Ajuda
Referências Hartill#?22.590, FD#?2387, Schjoth#?1513, C#?2.3
Quatro ideogramas chineses lidos de cima para baixo, da direita para a esquerda.Traduzido automaticamente
Escrita: Chinês (tradicional, escrita regular)
Duas palavras em manchu (lidas na vertical) separadas por um buraco.Traduzido automaticamente
Escrita: Mongol/Manchu
Legenda: ??? ?????
SimplesTraduzido automaticamente
Casas da moeda
Ministry of Public Works Mint, Auxilliary furnaces (???), Pequim, China (1726-1898)
Ministry of Public Works Mint, New Branch (???), Pequim, China (1726-1898)
Ministry of Public Works Mint, Old Branch (???), Pequim, China (1726-1898)
Existem vários tipos:
Tipo A: Grande ?
Tipo A1: radical a seis tempos ? em ?
Tipo A2: radical de sete tempos ? em ?
Tipo B: Pequeno ?
Um exemplo de Hartill#22.594 (Tipo A2; radical ? em ?; Tong de dois pontos):
DocTongDotsTraduzido automaticamente
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Data R/BC BC MBC S S/FDC FDC Frequência
S.D. (1821) 1,60 € 1,60 € (en) Hartill#22.590: Type A1; radical ? in ? (New branch) 27%
S.D. (1821) (en) Hartill#22.591: Type A1; radical ? in ?; two-dot Tong (Old branch) - Not recorded 6%
S.D. (1821) (en) Hartill#22.592: Type A1; radical ? in ?; one-dot Tong (Auxiliary furnaces) 2%
S.D. (1821-1823) 1,30 € (en) Hartill#22.593: Type A2; radical ? in ? (New branch) 41%
S.D. (1821-1823) (en) Hartill#22.594: Type A2; radical ? in ?; two-dot Tong (Old branch) 10%
S.D. (1821-1823) (en) Hartill#22.595: Type A2; radical ? in ?; one-dot Tong (Auxiliary furnaces) 3%
S.D. (1824-1850) (en) Hartill#22.596: Type B; radical ? in ? (New branch) 7%
S.D. (1824-1850) (en) Hartill#22.597: Type B; radical ? in ?; two-dot Tong (Old branch) 9%
S.D. (1824-1850) (en) Hartill#22.598: Type B; radical ? in ?; one-dot Tong (Auxiliary furnaces)
something like that there is ,not much of an escape only same [eriod the boo -chiowan equivalent but the curvilineairity is slightly diffirent, pictures are not that well
strange rhe rarity index is low . can,t explain that
i stick to the left coin is trafitional chinese . right [art of the coin is manchu chinese
the right symbol on the traditional chinese (= tang heritage ), got a flat underbarringf