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Watercolour Paint Box c.1862

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (4 items)

    I have painted in watercolor for over 50 years.

    I got a gift of this Winsor & Newton box of colors from around 1862

    Now I am a collector & looking for more boxes or even separate paint, brushes and paletts, even ink bottles.

    Victorian Era
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    1. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Based on the other ones I have seen this one is exceptional. What do you paint? (I love watercolors, especially Charleston area).
    2. Savoychina1 Savoychina1, 14 years ago
      Exceptional gift. There are a number listed on line but the system won't allow me to cut and paste. Just google "antique artist's boxes". Seems like the nicer ones were listed in the UK.

      AWS? I love watercolors, especially of the Charleston area. Any pictures ?
    3. imander imander, 14 years ago
      beautiful object
    4. Whimsiestudio Whimsiestudio, 14 years ago
      I paint landscape, figures, abstract & orchids. But not recognizeable portraits or places.
      There was an old watercolor of charlston area in a on line search but I do not recall. It may be found again "antique watercolor charleston"

      Thanks for the link on the box - I have been watching that one. Most are in the UK as it was hugely popular in the 1800 to the point where millions of little metal boxes with paint were made in the 1890's
    5. Whimsiestudio Whimsiestudio, 13 years ago
      I am looking for Antique Artists Watercolor Paint Boxes in the USA.
      Osborne was an american maker of these. But foreign makes also interst me.
      Pleasse let me know. You can see my collection at:
    6. rocker-sd rocker-sd, 13 years ago
      Now that would inspire me to take up painting!

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