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Rare Poschinger "design shift" with Loetz type Phenomen Genre Decor in a Rindskopf shape

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (207 items)

    I have been doing this collecting thing a long time. This is the first time I have seen a Rindskopf form in what at first appears to be a Loetz "type" decor that can now be attributed to...wait for it...Poschinger !...standing 12" tall. Thanks Andy and David for all the help.

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    1. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Was Loetz known for "borrowing" shapes from other producers? I thought this form was prototypical Rindskopf.
    2. famatta127 famatta127, 13 years ago
      There is a huge discussion going on over this vase.
      All bohemian makers "borrowed" shapes or created their own with only slight differences. Attributions are typically made thru documentation of known forms or when a vase surfaces that is correctly signed Loetz in an undocumented shape or unknown decor. Passau is littered with properly signed Loetz vases that have no known production number or no known Genre name/number. They are listed as "unknown or unidentified Genre. Since only a small percent of known Loetz forms are book documented, who is to say, who "stole" from whom. What if Loetz did this shape two years prior to Rindskopf, in this decor only. And then Rindskopf decided to make this one of their primary shapes?...too many unknowns. In a perfect world, another known Loetz Phen.Genre decor would be found in this exact shape. We may never know for certain but I believe this is a Rindskopf vase with a decor "similar to Loetz Phen Genre"
    3. shareurpassion shareurpassion, 11 years ago
      This is stunning!!!
    4. Project_Harrach Project_Harrach, 10 years ago
      I believe this is definitely a Loetz vase. One thing to keep in mind is that Loetz, Kralik and Rindskopf were (as we found out from Jitka Lne?nic?kova?) all making glass for each other, so that mucks things up a bit. It's always difficult to attribute something purely by shape (tends to get one into hot water at times as we've learned over the years). It's one attribute to consider, but ultimately I think you have to take into account all attributes as a whole, not just one. Also consider what other documented Rindskopf work have you seen in this base color?

      As this post is quite old, did any new documentation shed any light on this piece?

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