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trying to identify this pedal car

In Model Cars > Pedal Cars > Show & Tell.
Recent Activity457 of 879Need to id this PeddleCar on roof of garage in picture.  Can anyone help. This is the only pix I have at the moment. Young Boy in Pedal Car circa 1950
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    Posted 15 years ago

    (1 item)

    I'm trying to identify this pedal car. It was burried under some brush on a trailer I was given to clear a lot. I have my fathers 1941 pedal plane I am currently restoring for him but have never seen this car before. any help appriciated.

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    1. Consignment Pal Resale Directory, 15 years ago
      Hi Leggtech,

      Might be a Murray Super Tot Rod. See

      Consignment Pal Resale Directory
    2. BackintheDay59, 13 years ago
      I'm 52 now but when I was maybe 8 or 10 my dad bought me that very same Go cart from Western Auto in Miami Arizona . I have been looking for one I could purchase for a reasonabe price to own once and restore. If you are interested in selling it please mail me. At that time W.A carried Schwinn, Murray., Radio Flyer & more pedal cars than any one kid could ever want. Most of my toys at that time were War related . Pedal army Jeep, pedal jet plane. Huge battery powered tank, bazooka gun..
    3. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      i got one like this yours is missing the hood it is a amc pedal car you can check mine out on my site to see what they look like all together
    4. karleezoe, 9 years ago
      it is a murray super tot rod
      i have one need a front wheel if anyone has one

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