Posted 13 years ago
(649 items)
Just looking through some old photos (note the towel used as a backdrop), it occurred to me that this was the first piece I ever bought that was confirmed Loetz. Serie II, Form Nr. 114, Creta Papillon, circa 1899.I have long since sold it, but I remember holding it in my hand and thinking, this is different from anything I've ever seen... I love it! And, I've had the bug ever since...
We never forget our first. ;)
Dunno if we ALL can say we never forget our first. I have a few possible first pieces.. But I am not entirely sure which was my first loetz... :)
Same shape as the Pfauenauge vase I bought last month.
Dave, I noticed - I would ask if you want to trade, but darn it all, I don't have mine any more. :)
I still have my first one, the tricolor. You really never forget your first piece :)