Posted 13 years ago
(25 items)
I thought this was probably a fake until I saw all the wear marks on the close ups. It is about 13 inches long and in remarkably good cond. for its age. Because the eagle was an important Roman military symbol and lead was commonly used by Romans( The handle is lead.), I think it is probably Roman. The use of lead was one of the main reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire. Although I've researched on line I've never found anything like this. Any information would be greatly appreciated. Another unusual detail of this knife is the edge is sharpened right up to the handle. The knife was sharpened before the handle was cast around it.
The eagle is a universal type used since 104 BC. Romans, Greeks, Russians, Germans and the French Imperial Eagle or Aigle de drapeau used the eagle on flags and weapons in the Napoleonic Wars. The Chinese use of the serpent dragon and phoenix goes as far back as written words. The roman legions or french legions, Greeks, Russians, Germans all used the eagle; middle eastern weapons used the Halk, falcon and eagle? The serpent look like a seahorse to me and in my opinion; a Nautical type of dagger aged by seawater? Keep researching it is a nice mystery.
I have this EXACT same knife. I have had it for more than 40 years, before that it was my fathers. I have no idea where he got it or how long he had it. I want to know more about it.
Looks like a fantasy piece.
A fantasy piece?