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1940 Louis Marx Superman Rollover Plane Wind-Up Toy With Original Box...

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (190 items)

    Very hard to find Superman Marx Tin wind-up toy dated 1940 with the original box. This is probably my favorite wind-up toy out of my collection, I grew up watching superman with my dad and grandfather. I remember jumping off the roof of my parents single story ranch home as a kid pretending to be Superman, I wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, anyway I had to post something special for my 100th post! Enjoy the pics!

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    1. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks stonesfan1, Designer, officialfuel, mooreantique, trukn20 and egreeley1976 for the loves.
    2. vanskyock24 vanskyock24, 13 years ago
      wow great piece chevy
    3. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      GREAT, Love it, thanks for showing it
    4. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Congrats on 100th !!!!!!!
    5. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks chevelleman69, mtg75, Longings, sandhardin, vanskyock24, pwsest1944 and kerry10456.
    6. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks kerry10456, not only is this a great site to post things, but it helps me keep track of everything as well.
    7. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you stonie and Bellin68 for the loves!
    8. kerry10456 kerry10456, 13 years ago
      Hey chevy, Happy New Years to you and yours!!!
    9. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks Kerry, same to you and your family! Cheers !
    10. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you Vontrike!
    11. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you packrat-place and MMM.
    12. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks ReisOBrien!
    13. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you jamiedpt and AZTom for the love!
    14. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks scottvez and junkmanjoe.
    15. fourpeepsake fourpeepsake, 13 years ago
      I am a bit late to the party, but I want to congratulate you on your 100th post and thank you for sharing this rare vintage toy. I am crazy for the graphics on the box. Such fun.
    16. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Better late than never! Thank you fourpeepsake for the love and nice compliment.
    17. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks packrat-place and pops.
    18. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks timetraveler.
    19. Dr_Rambow Dr_Rambow, 13 years ago
      Not exactly my style, but it is in undeniably amazing condition with the box, which is always an impressive sight!

    20. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Everyone has there favorite toy and this one happens to be mine, Thanks for the nice compliment, Dr_Rambow!
    21. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks neon4leon1.
    22. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you antiguetoys for the love!
    23. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you countrypickers!
    24. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you aycockonxion!
    25. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks ttomtucker!
    26. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you lisa for the love!
    27. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you truckguy for the love!
    28. chevy59 chevy59, 12 years ago
      Thankyou elayem0110 for the love!
    29. chevy59 chevy59, 11 years ago
      Thanks belgiantin for the love
    30. luislucaluis luislucaluis, 6 years ago
      Great and awesome toy :) I have blue version, but dont have the box :) congrats for the find :)

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