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Sterling Silver Card Case Circa 1830's

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (190 items)

    What is special about this piece is that it has a picture of Lord Byron on one side, which is a renown British poet, and it also has engraved on the top of the case A.M. Waldburgh Barclay, which is an artist's name. I don't know too much about this piece, except for the intersting names on it and on the other side is a picture of a church or college and on the bottom are some makers marks. If you have any info on this piece, please let me know. Thank you

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    1. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks officialfuel and Longings!
    2. Lostinspace Lostinspace, 13 years ago
      That is really beautiful. I love the detail.
    3. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      This is a very desirable card case!
      Unfortunately it's not a Nathaniel Mills case, but there is good news, I think.....

      Anna Matilda Waldburg (1797 - 1887)
      Born on 1797 to John Bartholomew Waldburg and Sarah Netherclift. Anna Matilda married Thomas Glenn and had a child. Anna Matilda married Anthony Barclay and had 7 children. She passed away on 29 Oct 1887.
      There's an image on ivory of her and two daughters at this site:

      There is a connection with the Barclay's of New York.

      The silver marks are English. The anchor is for Birmingham. The King's head is the first mark and the T&P are for the makers Joseph Taylor & John Perry, ?of Birmingham 1827-1848. The date letter to the right of the T&P can't be read. If you can define that letter you will know the year of production. But I think it will be before 1838 when Victoria's head appeared rather than the King's head of the years beforehand.

      The portrait of Byron is great and his home Newstead Abbey is well done too!
      Byron collectors would like it and it has relevance to an important American family. The portrait in the Frick is an added dimension to the item. Congratulations!

    4. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you vetraio50, the information is great news! I knew this was a special piece and couldn't see it going to the melt. What kind of value do you think this case has with the conection to a prominent New York family? Thanks Derek
    5. vetraio50 vetraio50, 13 years ago
      Hi chevy59. I'm in Australia and know little about US values. If I were you I'd go to a good auction house with it. Check out the values of similar items. In researching it I saw that Christies had a lot which included two cases by this maker. It's not Nathaniel Mills; his work is highly collected and values are easily researched on the net! But an American valuer would know what to put on something like this. I'm a collector not a valuer.
    6. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thanks Bellin68, Lostinspace, and everybody else for the loves!
    7. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you mtg75, crabbykins, and trukn20.
    8. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you BirdieZ!
    9. chevy59 chevy59, 13 years ago
      Thank you MooreAntiques!

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