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1901 Gustav Gurschner Bronze Maiden Lamp w/ Pallme König Shade

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (123 items)

    Monumental sculptural bronze lamp by Gustav Gurschner with period and appropriate Pallme König teardrop art glass shade. Signed in the lower edge of the draped gown region, “Gurschner 1901.” One other example of this lamp form is known (Berlin col.) and that piece has an overall verdigis patina and matching circular Pallme König shade in green and blue. Additionally, a different monumental maiden lamp of the same year and size by Gurschner sold at the Christie’s NYC 21/21 Historical Design sale in 2006, though that example had an egg-shaped Kralik helios shade. This example is missing its wooden or red marble base. Dimensions: 25”(H; 32.25” w/ shade) x 6.5”(W).

    Contrary to prior auction listings and known Gurschner lamp examples, when he was not working with chambered nautilus shell as a source for his shades, his pieces most often are found with Kralik and Pallme König shades. Very few Gurschner lamps have documented and originally paired Loetz shades.

    Gustav Gurschner studied at the Vienna School of Arts and Crafts from 1888 to 1894 and in Munich in 1896, before moving to Paris in 1897 and apprenticing under the Art Nouveau artists Alexandre Charpentier, Jean-Auguste Dampt and Ville Vallgren. Gurschner showed his works in numerous exhibitions; he took part regularly in the Salon du Champ de Mars in Paris and after its foundation in 1897, in the exhibitions by the Vienna Secession.

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    1. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 13 years ago
      Wow! What an amazingly beautiful lamp! Nice, very nice!
    2. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Thanks, LD. She's the star of my collection and well worth the wait! I'd still like to find a darker shade to pair up with her, but as you know those tend to be few and far between.
    3. JohannB JohannB, 13 years ago
      Very Nice! I love the look on her face.
    4. AmphoraPottery AmphoraPottery, 13 years ago
      Her pose is gorgeous and her face is beautiful. It must make you melt to sit in a dark room with just this lamp on.
    5. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Exactly, Amphora...she's our constant night light now!
    6. Woman34 Woman34, 13 years ago
      I had to login just to give this beautiful pieces some love, lol. This is so me. I would decorate my whole house in Art Nouveau if I could afford it.
    7. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Thanks! I have similar lust for your Salvini vase!
    8. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      ditto on the love for art nouveau -- she a beauty
    9. Sammyz Sammyz, 4 years ago
      Good to know about Loetz shades...

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