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My very own set of Loetz art glass shades. :O) I hope you will enjoy the images and the story.

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Recent Activity29 of 435Chunk jeweled metal lamp shadeHand Made Lamp Shade...Fabric and Beads
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (30 items)

    This set of shades come with a little story. Shortly after I started seriously selling vintage lighting I had the opportunity to purchase a fixture with five of these shades. I was thrilled to bits. I knew they were Bohemian but had no clue that they might be Loetz. I had of course oodles of hope that they might be but didn't really for a minute think that they could actually be so. I had to sell the fixture and the shades becaue my Beagle needed some surgery so off they went and Bertie was good as new. I missed the shades and often thought that they were definitely the ones that got away. Not that I had regrets about my dog but the shades always stayed with me. Most of my collection of shades at that time were Victorian eye candy shades very few were Art Nouveau although I did have a couple.
    Years later I was trolling ebay as one does when sleep is elusive, and up popped one of the shades. I was over the moon. I purchased the shade only to find through correspondence with the owner that there were three more. They were offered to me and fortunately I could manage to purchase them. So then I had four again. I tried many times to determine which company may have made them and then in 2001 my head blew up. I had brain aneurysms one of which decided to bleed. No fun. This could have been the end of that story but eventually after several trips back to the hospital a CT scan and then finally we insisted that they do a spinal tap and Viola. No fluid just blood so then we had their attention. ;O) I was rushed to a hospital in Toronto and met an amazing Neurosurgeon who was able to keep me alive after three major bleeds and operate. Needless to say I was in a huge pickle when I finally was allowed to come home. Having a shower, eating, etc was a huge mountain to climb so my business and my collection were there but I was not. ;o) After a few years of therapy and then a lot of work on my own I began to try and reconnect with my former life as much as possible. I am definitely not playing with a full deck but I am here and that certainly beats the other option I had. ;o) Now back to the shades. Just before my head blew up I was building a great library of art glass books and Loetz was certainly one of my favourite subjects. Since then I still have my books but learning anything new is quite a challenge. I should say quite hit and miss.
    I belonged to an Art Glass Discussion Group and during the the last 11 years a few new members joined who are very very knowing when it comes to Bohemian shades. One gentleman writes for Eddy's site and his articles are wonderful. Another man offers amazing pieces of Loetz for sale on the Group, Sundays are allowed for offering things or searching. So with those two people on the group. I decided to have another go and I posted the images I had of my shades. But the images were dreadful and I was asked to post better ones. This was quite a trial. First someone walked off with my camera, then when I finally replaced it I had the dreaded learning curve, which is now a small mountain,;o) but in the end I did get the images you see here. And then I posted to my Group. And guess what happened? I know I got two responses. One from Reyne who told me they were Loetz and another from a dear man who had an image of one of these shades on a small figural lamp but here is the best bit. The lamp and shade are in the Passau museum. The shade is indeed listed as Loetz.
    I mean what are the chances? I should also tell you that in my little world seeing Loetz glass is not something that happens often. For me to find a set of such shades once was almost a once in a life time thing and then to find another...... and then to be alive to find out that they are indeed Loetz well could it get any better than that? ;o)
    So here I am complete with Bragging Rights. I would be thrilled with any and all comments you care to share with me concerning the shades.
    I also wanted to know if there is a formula for determining the value of sets? If a single is worth X we know that usually a pair is worth more than 2X a trio more than 3x, four shades more than 4X etc. How much more would a set of five be worth? Or is it impossible to be know on more than a case by case basis?
    Oh dear it did say that I should write as much as I like but I fear I may have put you all to sleep. As you no doubt noticed I am more than a little excited.
    I have more Bohemian shades that I would love to share if anyone is interested. Please just let me know. Thank you for your time. I appreciate being able to read your postings and be a part of this lovely resource. I did try to offer some information on shades several weeks ago but I couldn't seem to login afterwards so I have now registered again and will make a point to write down everything I need to get back to you.
    P.S. I hope you will excuse spelling, grammar, and lack or too much punctuation. Sorry but this is now as good as it will get. Oh goodness I can't believe I actually get to push the Loetz art glass button.;o)

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    1. Pop_abides Pop_abides, 13 years ago
      How lucky we are to have you back , Welcome home !
    2. officialfuel officialfuel, 13 years ago
      Congratulations Lisa on such a great find again! It's like you hit the lottery.

    3. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 13 years ago
      thank you so very much. I am thrilled to be here. And yes it is like winning a lottery but much much better. ;O) It was really kind of you both to respond so quickly. I was a little nervous and now I'm not feeling a complete fool. :O)
    4. cogito cogito, 13 years ago
      Great story!
    5. inky inky, 13 years ago
      Beautiful! very Beautiful!....:-)
    6. Hornet Hornet, 13 years ago
      Beautitul Shades . Very Nice . really !
    7. LoetzDance LoetzDance, 13 years ago
      Lovely shades, great story, thanks for sharing. Keep those posts coming.
    8. ozmarty ozmarty, 13 years ago

      Sometimes the pieces individually are worth more then a set..... strange but true. It would be sad to brake up a set especially after all you went through.
    9. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 13 years ago
      Dear Ozmarty,
      Really? I have never known that to be true of shades but I am also the first to say and know that I have a lot to learn. I won't have to worry about selling them anyway I just like to get an idea so I can add it to the notes I keep with the shades so when I am dust they will have some idea of what they have or are selling. I am the one with the passion for Art Glass shades in my family. No one else is particularly interested to any great degree.
    10. ozmarty ozmarty, 13 years ago
      Hi Lisa I was not specificly refering to shades but sets of objects . There are those who take apart books for the illustrations . the whole book may be worth $x but the illustrations $X each! it happens. I have some books that seel for arround $50 - $80 each they have dozens of illustrations that sell for $45 - $200 each .
      I am supposed to get rid of most of my stuff long before im dust .. most people would not know the value or history of the pieces . It is the collecting that make me alive ... the objects are only part of it.
    11. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      Welcome Lisa, I think you will be a great asset to the CW community. You are lucky to have survived those bleeds, there are a few of us here that have had & still battle health issues, so you are not alone.

      Maybe we should call you Lucky Lisa.
    12. scottvez scottvez, 13 years ago
      Great story Lisa-- best of wishes on continued recovery.

      The shades are FANTASTIC!

    13. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 13 years ago
      Thank you so much for the kind words and the warm welcome. Most days I do feel like this beats the other option I had. :O) Not all days but most.
      I really miss being able to pull my own weight. I was always an independant soul and having to depend on people hurts much more than my pride. I am lucky in that I did manage to get back a lot of my memories and things I knew how to do I can do again just in very tiny bites and when I can not when I need or what to. New Learning is horrendous and to me learning new things was my whole life. So that has been a hard pill to swallow. Still mustn't grumble. I found some areas on this site where I could actually be useful. So that is a great bonus. I look forward to adding more shades to this site and to listening to other questions and answering when I can.
      I should also mention that I am missing that filter that we all have between our minds and our mouths. So I will make every effort to stay on topic and away from personal issues. Please have patience when I don't.
    14. walksoftly walksoftly, 13 years ago
      I posted those dimensions of the fitters on my mystery kerosene lamp parts.
    15. LoetzBuddies LoetzBuddies, 13 years ago
      Lisa : I just read your story and thought here I am moaning and mad as hell because I've had a cold for two weeks !
      Regarding the shades......the same shade is on eBay right now. Go to eBay and type in Loetz shade and it will come up. It is a bit pricey. I don't collect shades so I have no idea what they sell for. GOD BLESS.
    16. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 13 years ago
      Thank you. Loetz buddies. I did see that shade. I wanted it very much but I can't afford it. I don't know about the price either because I don't sell mine. Does anyone know if this is reasonable or outrageous?
      How does my shade stand as far as desirable decor goes? Also what would be the difference in price between a set of four and a set of five?
      Thank you for any advice you can provide and or wish to share.
    17. Lisa-lighting Lisa-lighting, 13 years ago
      Oh and sorry I have been remiss in thanking you all for you ticking of the love button. It is very exciting. I will post more shades soon but no more Loetz, I am sorry to say. But some nice ones none the less.
      Plus lots of mystery shades.
    18. artislove artislove, 13 years ago
      as bob dylan once said time is an ocean but it ends at the shore that counts for everybody also for these shades but we are all still here fortunately (i live in bonus time too) you and your shades are a wonderfull extra treat in this world thanx for sharing
    19. miKKoChristmas11 miKKoChristmas11, 13 years ago
      Most beautiful shades!!! Very moving and inspiring account of your valiant recovery! Love the dogs!
    20. toronado, 12 years ago
      Great shades and interesting story. Thanks for commenting on my lamp.
    21. vetraio50 vetraio50, 12 years ago
      Season's Greetings to you and Yours, Lisalighting!
    22. epson233 epson233, 12 years ago
      great shades -- see there is a god!!!! thanks for sharing the story -- certainly have a hand for writing and keeping one's attention -- have a great week
    23. ellerykurtz, 12 years ago
      I am desperately looking for a glass deco shade for a table lamp with a 1" fitter. Its a really small neck for a desk/table lamp. Our shade was shattered a few years back by a careless maid....sigh. I can send images of what I am trying to replace if you contact me.
    24. Vintagefran Vintagefran, 11 years ago
      Hi Lisa, what a fabulous shade & post
    25. SEAN68 SEAN68, 11 years ago
      stunning Lisa!!
    26. antiquerose antiquerose, 11 years ago
      Super story, and Super finds....and Super person!!

      Hope all is well with you, EH ?

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