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Barbershop Back Bar Barber

All items240821 of 245528Old Metal Toy Plane found at GoodwillJust found Coca Cola placemats in closet are they worth anything?
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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    Im interested in feedback, please feel free to contact me via Facebook at or search my name at Jason Romage. Thanks!


    1. MELANIES3033, 14 years ago
      That is really cool love seeing the old time setting. Hope you find your place in America US need to be in columbus ohio lol better place of living or in a year round warm place that is where I rather be. The best to you Your friend Melanie
    2. Natasha, 14 years ago
      That's pretty awesome. It would be cool to go to a place like that!
    3. CollectorsOnlineMall CollectorsOnlineMall, 14 years ago
      That is a wonderful piece of furniture - just beautiful. I'm sure you'll find a nice town to set up shop. Good luck! Maggie
    4. DMK678 DMK678, 14 years ago
      I think this is great, I wish you all the best in your search of finding your
      own little nook here in the states too open up shop and chop. Post pics.
      when you do.
    5. Charles Castle, 14 years ago
      Love the back bar. I think the 30-40's era look would be very authentic for this equipment... Maybe even add a shoe shine station for added effect. This will make an awesome shop somewhere :)
    6. BHenry BHenry, 14 years ago
      Just wow! I love it and would hang around your shop just for the atmosphere.
      As a matter of fact this would be super lovely in a home large enough for it. I know but I love it!
    7. Charlie crebs, 14 years ago
      Hello. I am currently putting a business together and am looking for a barber to help. I would like to talk more to you but can't figure out a way without publishing my email. Anythoughts. I love that barbershop bar back. Is it for sale?
    8. irawk, 14 years ago
      I think this idea of the old fashioned look is really can tell you take great pride in what you do. The place looks great!
    9. steplowski, 13 years ago
      Beautiful pieces! Love them!

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