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North East Pennsylvania

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I love antiques. I have an internet antiques mall and have various categories of vintage and antique items. My favorites are really unique items, very beautiful tI love antiques. I have an internet antiques mall and have various categories of vintage and antique items. My favorites are really unique items, very beautiful things and vintage costume jewelry. (Read more)


  1. I have one of these, and also seen it with the box on the Nichols Cap gun site. It was made by Hubley in the 1940s. Nobody is really sure whether it was patterned after the comics or not. The box...
  2. That is a wonderful piece of furniture - just beautiful. I'm sure you'll find a nice town to set up shop. Good luck! Maggie
  3. Nice talking to you, Jim. Let's hope neither of us gets electrocuted LOL
  4. Between that and my carnival machine that electrocutes hot dogs - I just realized half my stuff is really dangerous!
  5. I remember staying in many motels with signs like that in my childhood on those looong frequent summer roadtrips with my mom & dad. Miss them and the great old chromey cars they had back then.
  6. You started my day out with a laugh! Thanks. I remember those "Roller" days and dreading my Mom's hairstyling too. They didn't have cream rinse back then I guess because all I remember is the pai...
  7. Very nice. It looks like Danish Modern to me. Maybe Carter Brothers.
  8. With the bowtie - I think maybe an office job like bookkeeper or shipping clerk.
  9. See more


Barbershop Back Bar Barber Kickapoo Motel in Shawnee, Oklahoma Sears 1958 Scoop Chair It's Just a Game - Victorian era Photo Not a Crook Watch My old doll


MCM Trojan Horse painting by Van Hoople? Occupational??? 1864 Wye Transit


posted 15 years ago