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1955 Dahlberg Coin Operated Hospital Hotel Motorama Pillow Speaker Jadeite Green Tube Radio Model No. 4130-D1

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    Posted 13 years ago

    (171 items)

    Here is something it seems some radio collectors out there may enjoy and it does complement the other Tradio hotel radio that I had added to my collection on here prior.

    This item is about 12 inches across and the radio does work. It would have been set up at a hotel or hospital and someone would deposit from 1 to 5 dimes with each dime giving you an hour of radio play. The radio would have been clamped down onto the headboard where it could be operated by someone lying in bed, thus the reason for the dial being upside down.

    The pillow speaker could be placed under the pillow you were sleeping on so the soft sounds of 1950's music could lull you to sleep.... ; )

    Thanks for looking as always my friends. Have an awesome weekend! Stay cool if you can where you are as well because it is a scorcher where I am at.... : )

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    1. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Hello lannd. Thanks for taking a peek at this item and loving it! Have a great evening and upcoming weekend my friend! : )
    2. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Hey Hedge great to see you around my friend. Your Rangers had a great season! Thanks for the love!!! : )
    3. Hedgewalker Hedgewalker, 13 years ago
      Yes they did have a great was a fun year.There's always next year for our Red Wing vs Ranger play off !!
    4. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      WOW! just LUV the "FEEL" of this item, can u imagine that "entertainment" wasnt covered on your hospital bill?!?!
    5. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Hey BELLIN, kerry, AR8, and mikielike. I appreciate you loving this item my friends! : )
    6. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Yeah Hedge. There is always next year my friend....
    7. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      mikielike in this day and age a comparable price at the hospital wouldn't be 10 cents it would probably come out to like $1000.00 to listen to the radio for an hour. ; ) It appreciate the comment my friend.
    8. mikielikesigns2 mikielikesigns2, 13 years ago
      LOL your right!
    9. AmberRose AmberRose, 13 years ago
      Hi electobacco! This is such an odd piece. How did you know what it was? Did you pull it out of a big pile and knew what it was? I know nothing about the radio collections. I stared at three transistor radios at the thrift yesterday (Little Hercules?? buck and a quarter each) Just didn't know what to do with them.
    10. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Thanks for passing by and showing some love elayem! I appreciate it! : )
    11. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Amber thank you for the kind words and comment. I ended up buying this with an old radio collection. So I had an idea of what it was and it was also on an eposide of American Pickers. You may have wanted to pick the radios you found up for the price. I appreciate you loving this item as well. I hope all is good in the windy city and wishing you and your family nothing but the best! : )
    12. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Thank you for passing by again PhilDavid and loving this item also. Have an awesome day my friend! See you 'round.... : )
    13. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      mrmajestic great to see you in my neck of the woods. Thank you for showing some love for this item. Wishing you nothing but the best! : )
    14. electobacco electobacco, 13 years ago
      Thanks for the love and stopping by collector4evr! I appreciate you taking a peek at this item. : )
    15. electobacco electobacco, 12 years ago
      Thanks for stopping by and the love lisa and petey! Wishing both of you an awesome day! : )
    16. upstatenycollector upstatenycollector, 11 years ago
      Wow, that's in great shape, and very clean. I've seen a few of these, but they've all looked like they've been beaten up. Enjoy!
    17. dancal1955, 7 years ago
      Hi electobacco, we are producing a museum exhibit in San Francisco on radio. I'm wondering if you still have the Dahlberg Pillow Speaker and the Tradio Hotel Radio in your collection. They're fantastic radios!

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