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Vintage Korean Chess Set

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    Posted 14 years ago

    (1 item)

    I inherited this set from my father when he passed, he brought it back from Korea while he was stationed there during the Vietnam war. It is all hand carved marble playing pieces with 2 different colors. It also has a wooden fold up travel board with hand carved designs on the top edge. I have searched for any history or value, and found nothing, any knowledge or expertise on this piece would be greatly appreciated.

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    1. John, 14 years ago
      I have a similar set that I purchased at Goodwill.
      Have you received any information that you could send me?
    2. alicia guidry, 14 years ago
      i have a chess set that i believe is of oriental decent, but not sure. i have pictures if anyone could contact me with an email i can send them out. i have searched hours online with out finding any that look like the pieces i have. thanks for any help.
    3. J.Holovack, 14 years ago
      I was in Korea in 1969 (USAF) I bought a chess set similar but not as elaborant as yours,I was told it was carved "oil or soap stone" I paid under $15 for mine ,yours went for about $65 if I recall.they were available on the base exchange.I think they are worth many times the purchase price,that was a good sum of money in '69.could never find much about them.I was at Kunsan AFB if that helps.I won't part with mine.
    4. Esther110 Esther110, 14 years ago
      Hi there! While you're at it, J Holovack, do you recall a set slightly different than the two mentioned?
      I bought one from a vet in Miami years ago, it has carved wood pieces, and the board is made of beautiful pieces of bone, carved and colored like the mah-jong gamepieces.
      I will bring it out of storage and post a pic in a little bit...
      Thanks in advance! E
    5. jason summers, 13 years ago
      I have this same exact chess set except4the pieces r in better shape but iwould love 2 find out what its worth i have had this set since i was akid passed down 2 me from stepdad.
    6. robstar, 13 years ago
      i have this chess set looking for info
    7. Bdiz333, 13 years ago
      Sorry it's been so long without activity.
      J. Holovack, my father served around the same time as you did in Korea maybe even Kunsan cause that sounds familiar. It helps knowing where this set could of came from. But I am still searching for more info.
      If anyone else hears anything please post. Thank you all for your input.
    8. Huckster_Higgins, 8 years ago
      I have the same chess set that I purchased recently at an auction and also am having a lot of trouble finding information online. I'm considering going back to the residents of the estate sale and see if they can give me any information...
    9. Squally, 8 years ago
      my father got this exact chessboard .he was a merchant seaman.i thought it was from China but yes he went to Korea almost everytime he went,some of my pieces are chipped, i hope its in storage still.i would say around 40 years ago,im afraid i might have gotten rid of it, i really dont know,i m scared i might've tossed or given it away. I dont know, will let you know
    10. GlennS, 8 months ago
      I had this set made for me while in the Army stationed in Seoul Korea 1966. My pieces are approximately 6 1/4 " and a little more detailed. They took me out to the river where they were pulling out the stone and carving into blocks. No idea what it is worth though.

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