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Antique Ivory Chess Set - Origins? Age?

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Popular Chess Sets5 of 173Drueke chess pieces # 13829262 - Inlaid Wood Table	$29.99	1	$29.99  Chess table from India
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    Posted 13 years ago

    (217 items)

    This is the other set I bought from the estate. Its solid ivory, hand carved, and its deffinitely and older set. I haven't been able to find any comparable ones online, so I don't know its age or where it was made. Is anyone knowledgable about chess sets? Does the style ring any bells?

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    1. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Yeah I did see a few Indian sets that were thin like this on Google Images, wooden sets

      I tried "antique german chess set" but I couldn't find any forms like this, off the top of your head do you know of a webpage with photos?
    2. ComputoJon, 13 years ago
      This is an Indian-made ivory set from 2Q 20th century.
    3. ComputoJon, 13 years ago
      Colin, here's an almost-identical set, if you follow this auction on and note the results, it'll give a good indication of the current value of this type of set.
    4. Stillwater Stillwater, 13 years ago
      Yeah you're right, thats pretty much what I've got
      I'll see what it goes for
      Thanks again Jon!
    5. jwhj, 10 years ago
      Stillwater: I just noticed your post and I have a set almost like yours. On mine the ivory men have bases just like yours but with a red circle on the top of the base and a green circle underneath (just the opposite of yours!). The pieces are not identical to yours but very close. Slightly more intricate I think. Mine has a wood carrying case/board with some inlaid ivory. On the inside of the box there is a paper label which states "Made in India, No. 310". The 310 is written in ink. My father brought this home from Karachi, India (now Pakistan), where he was stationed during WWII. I clicked on the link CompuJon posted but could not get to any info about that similar set or what it sold for. I would be interested to know about that and anything else you have found out? I have been looking for a similar set, but until I saw yours nothing was similar. Thanks, Jim
    6. ComputoJon, 10 years ago
      jwhj, here is an Excel spreadsheet you can download from my site, with similar sets that have sold in the historic chess auctions over the past 40 years. All of the sets listed are ones I've categorized as "Indian Modern" (i.e. 20th century) but not only some of them are very similar to your set. You can click a hyperlink in column S to see the actual catalog page (use the auction lot number in column Q as a cross-reference to the photos) and hyperlinks in column T bring up catalog pages with the textual description of each set. (If the catalog page with photo and description are the same page, then column R = "Y".) Sale price (hammer + buyer's premium) is in columns M and N, in GBP and USD respectively, and again in columns O and P, in today's GBP and USD values, taking inflation into account.

    7. jwhj, 10 years ago
      Thank you ComputoJon! I have not had a chance to check out your link but I will this weekend. After that I will try to put up a photo of the chess set I have. Also I have an ivory dice cup that is kind of interesting. It has the front of a naked lady on one side and the back of a naked lady on the other (lady luck?). It also came back from India when the chess set did. Ever come across anything like that?
    8. nicoswan1, 9 years ago
      Finally I found chess sets like mine.!.I cannot remember where I bought it but it is in excellent condition as well.!.And I want to sell it.!.
    9. jwhj, 9 years ago
      Nicoswani: First time I saw a set like mine, also. I could only open ComputoJon's link, referenced above , to see an overall list of chess sets. I could not go beyond that to see a photo of the sets, and thus could not see what one similar to mine sold for at auction. If you get that info could you let me know, or send it to me either on this site or by private e-mail? I do not want to sell mine but do want to try to understand what it's value is. Thanks!
    10. ComputoJon, 9 years ago
      jwhj -- reading instructions (above) is always helpful. When you download the Excel spreadsheet, for any row, you can click on the hyperlink in column S to see the catalog page with a photo of the set.

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